Day: October 30, 2023

How to Win the Hongkong Prize

hongkong prize

The hongkong prize is an award competition that recognizes writers who cover Asia and Hong Kong in their work. Winners receive cash awards as well as access to some of London’s top research facilities. They also have the chance to meet prestigious people and broaden their perspectives. However, winning the prize is not for everyone – it takes a lot of talent and dedication. Those who are interested in entering the contest should carefully read all rules and regulations before applying, as it’s important to avoid costly mistakes that could jeopardize their chances of success.

The Hongkong prize is one of the most prestigious writing contests in Asia, and it is open to authors from around the world. Applicants must submit a research article that addresses Hong Kong’s history or culture, and they must be able to demonstrate strong writing skills as well as an understanding of the region. This award is a great way to build your career and reputation as a writer.

Besides rewarding outstanding student achievement, the Hongkong prize also encourages students to pursue their passion and develop a global vision. Students must be nominated by their teachers in order to participate in the competition. This will help them improve their academic performance and extracurricular activities. In addition, the prize will help them realize their dreams and become leaders of tomorrow.

This year, the HK Prize received an overwhelming number of entries from Chinese and English-language newspapers across Hong Kong. Among them, the China Daily Hong Kong Edition won four prizes, including two in the Best Arts and Culture News Reporting category. The newspaper’s reporting of Hong Kong’s transformation into a global cultural and art hub was recognized by judges for its creativity, technical skill, and depth of coverage.

In a ceremony held on Tuesday, Canon’s Philip Chan presented the “Ingenuity Award” to the winners, who were chosen from more than 3,000 nominations. Leung, a veteran actor with 41 years of experience, thanked the audience for their support and said that he was proud to have grown up in Hong Kong’s film industry, where his acting journey began.

Founded in 2007, Justice Centre Hong Kong aims to make sure no one walks alone on the path to protection, justice, and a decent life. Its holistic approach includes providing legal and psychosocial assistance, facilitating community initiatives, and conducting research on forced migrants. In addition, it is involved in advocacy and education to raise awareness of the issues. Justice Centre’s work is aided by the generous funding from donors. The HK prize is another affirmation of the public’s support for the organisation.