How to Play Domino

How to Play Domino

Domino is a popular game that has many different variations. Some of these games are played by multiple players and others can be played solo. Regardless of which domino game is being played, the same basic rules are used. The order of play, how the hand is won, and the scoring system are just a few of the things that differ between these different games.

The word domino comes from the Latin “dominium,” meaning “power.” The word may have also been derived from an earlier sense of the phrase, referring to a long hooded cloak worn with a mask at carnival time or during a masquerade ball. It is likely that the ebony blacks and ivory faces of domino pieces reminded people of this hooded garment.

When playing domino, the tiles are arranged in a line on the table called the layout or string of play. Each player draws the number of tiles that are permitted to be taken according to the rules of the specific game being played. These tiles are then joined to the line of play in either one of two ways: with the line of play, which means the dominoes are played end to end, or across the line of play, which requires that a matching double tile be added after each domino played.

Once the line of play is established, the next step is to decide who will make the first play. This is usually done by counting the pips on the dominoes remaining in each player’s hands at the end of the previous hand or the game, and then adding the total of these pips to the winner’s score. If there are any extra dominoes left in the stock, these must be passed to a player who is eligible to take them (see Passing and Byeing below).

Some players like to use the domino tiles to create designs or works of art. These can be as simple or complex as the player chooses. Some artists build lines of dominoes that form shapes when they fall or grids that display pictures, or even 3D structures like towers and pyramids. Others compete in domino shows, in which they construct a complex domino effect or reaction before a live audience.

The concept of the domino effect can be applied to novel writing, especially to scenes. Whether you’re a pantser who doesn’t make detailed outlines ahead of time or a plotter who takes great care to develop an intricate network of scene dominoes, each scene should have a logical impact on the scene that follows it. Just as each domino in a line of play raises the next domino, each scene in your story should raise the tension and suspense of your novel. This is especially important if you write a thriller or a mystery, where a small event can have huge consequences.